College Planning For 9th Graders & Their Families
By Stacy Holguin, EdD
The first steps you take on any journey can make a big impact on your overall trajectory. Use this checklist to ensure your early high school career builds towards a smooth college application process!
7 Steps for Transitioning Your Accommodations Plan from High School to College
By Stacy Holguin, EdD
People living with disabilities have an extra layer of considerations in the college planning process. Presidio Education developed these steps for being your own best advocate when transitioning your accommodation plan from high school to college.
What is College Financial Aid?
By Stacy Holguin, EdD
From scholarships, grants, loans, or work-study, the world of college financial aid is critical to understand during the planning process. Read this blog to start building your knowledge base about the different ways to fund your adventure of a lifetime!
Rising College Students: Make a Plan to Combat Homesickness Before You Leave Home
By Stacy Holguin, EdD
The transition to college is a big step, it is loaded with all kinds of “firsts.” It could be your first time living away from your family, figuring out your own schedule, making new friends, trying new foods, or finding the store to buy your favorite hair product.
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Presidio Group Education Planning is driven to provide excellent post high school planning to empower all students to pursue their passion through higher education and career planning. We aim to restore the joy to the discovery experience.